Welcome to the Team Xquisite Parent Organization!
Many of our website pages are for protected.
Please make sure you are logged in to have access to all resources and account information.

Save Your Receipts!
The X-Cel Gymnastic Parent Organization has partnered with the Chick-fil-A Rewards Program.
How does it work?
Members save their Chick-fil-A receipts from the Cranberry and Wexford restaurants.
Place receipts in the Chick-fil-A box sitting on top of the X-Cel Main Gym lobby cubbies
or email a digital copy to chickfila@xquisitegymnastics.com.
That's it - it's that simple!
The X-Cel Parent organization will receive a Chick-fil-A food credit of 20% of the total receipts we collect.
We plan to utilize this food credit for our host meet to serve coaches/judges.